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As the year draws to a close, the CM Merritt Foundation takes a moment to bask in the warmth of shared accomplishments, celebrating the spirit of giving and empowerment that defines our community. Join us on this journey of reflection, gratitude, and the joyous anticipation of what lies ahead.

A Season of Empowerment

Scholarships Transforming Lives

In 2023, our commitment to empowering underrepresented voices in STEM shone brightly as we awarded scholarships to talented women and minorities. These scholars are not just recipients; they are trailblazers, breaking barriers and inspiring a future where diversity thrives in the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Gala Success: A Night to Remember

A Starlit Evening of Impact

Our annual gala was a resounding success, bringing together our incredible community in a night of celebration and purpose. With your support, we raised funds to fuel our mission and create more opportunities for aspiring minds to flourish in STEM fields. The gala was a testament to the power of unity and shared dedication to a brighter future.

Investing in Education: A Milestone at NC A&T State University

Honoring Candice Marcia Merritt's Legacy

A highlight of 2023 was the presentation of a $15,000 check to the Candice Marcia Merritt endowment at North Carolina A&T State University. This investment ensures that future generations of students, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds, have the resources they need to pursue their dreams in STEM. It's not just a donation; it's a commitment to fostering lasting change.

Looking Forward to 2024: Bridging Possibilities

A Vision for the Future

As we bid farewell to 2023, our gaze is fixed on the horizon of 2024. We envision a year filled with expanded opportunities, impactful partnerships, and a growing network of empowered individuals contributing to the advancement of STEM education and diversity.

Holiday Wishes and Gratitude

A Heartfelt Thank You

To our donors, partners, scholars, and supporters, the CM Merritt Foundation extends heartfelt holiday wishes. Your dedication has been the driving force behind our success, and we are profoundly grateful for your belief in our mission.

Join Us in Celebration

Uniting in Joy and Purpose

This holiday season, let's celebrate not just the achievements of the past year, but the spirit of unity and empowerment that propels us forward. Together, we are not just creating opportunities; we are shaping a future where everyone has the chance to reach for the stars.

Thank you for being part of our journey. Here's to a festive season filled with joy, and to a 2024 that holds the promise of even greater impact.

With gratitude,

Marcia Merritt

CM Merritt Foundation President

For #GivingTuesday please consider donating to The CM Merritt Foundation, which addresses and remedies the shortage of Women and Minorities completing post- secondary STEM education. Your contribution to The CM Merritt Foundation will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps towards scholarships, community education and STEM Workshops. Thank you for your support! #GivingTuesday

The CM Merritt Foundation has been successful because of supporter’s and donors like you.

It’s time to build on our success and enduring our legacy.

Please consider donating to the CM Merritt Foundation on #Giving Tuesday so we can continue to give out more scholarships to deserving students and underrepresented minorities in STEM!

Your support means the world to the CM Merritt Foundation. Thank you for Choosing to make a difference through your donation.

Marcia Merritt

The CM Merritt Foundation


  • Writer's pictureMarcia Merritt

Thousands of alumni returned to North Carolina A&T State University for a weekend full of events for 2023 Homecoming.

What brings most people back is just the sense of belonging they get from being on campus.

It’s like a big family reunion.

One of the BIGGEST highlights of NC A&T’s homecoming for me was presenting a check for $15,000 from the CM MERRITT Foundation.

Our mission specifically supports students in pursuit of degrees in the scientific, technological, engineering, or mathematical fields, ultimately increasing the number of underrepresented minorities in the STEM industry.

Thank you for always supporting and donating to the foundation to help make this happen.

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